Monday, October 30, 2006

Stockholm Library Competition

I just finished this competition. The drawings are not what/how I wanted them to be, but I was very limited by time as well as the competition brief. The main text reads:

The library is a model of the human mind - a violent and transformative storm. The mind is a mixing chamber of diverse thoughts, desires, constructions, and forms of knowledge. To live is to transform - to learn and grow.
The library is a mixing chamber of diverse peoples, media, and forms of information. The library lives to transform man - to cultivate.
The storm is tempered by both a calm center (the eye of the storm) and our constructed facade (shield/mask).
The calm center looks out through its facade to the greater world beyond and into the obscured depths of the sub-conscious storm within. It is by tending to these two views that we grow.
The Stockholm Public Library is an elegant yet diverse ground for mixing and growing. A little light helps.

Ok, thats not very clear. But there is also this quote from Haruki Murakami on there: "this storm isn't something that blew in from far away, something that has nothing to do with you. This storm is you. Something inside of you. ... one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm you won't be the same person who walked in." So maybe that helps to make sense of it. The storm sorta gets lost at the scale of the drawings. But I swear that it would be there in the details. Unfortunately that's not good enough for a competition.
Anyhow, I think that the general proposal regarding the site and existing building(s) is sound and strong. This whole storm thing is only if one digs a bit deeper... If anybody wants to see higher resolution PDFs just let me know.


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